Melbourne Snapshots

Topshop was #1 on my go to list in Melbourne.

A few month's ago I went to Melbourne for an internship at World Vision's Australian headquarters. Although most of my time was spent behind a desk, I did get the chance to see a bit of city too. I'm not very good with pictures– I never remember to take them– but I did manage to get a few snaps here and there to share with you all! Enjoy!

Oh, My Life!

(source: Pinterest)

This quote pretty much sums up my life at the moment. In five weeks I'll be all finished with my degree and I have no idea what's going to happen after that! There is only one thing I am sure of– I'm going to explore every inch of everywhere I've ever dreamed of going!


October Desktop Calendar

Original image source: Liberty Church

This month's desktop calendar image is of London– one of my favorite cities in the world. Even though I've never been there, I feel like London and I are destined to meet. We suit each other to a tee... or should I say "tea"? ;)